Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday Ten

                                                          TUESDAY TEN

(ok this is my 1st tuesday ten so bear with me as i'm just winging this)

1. I'm hoping that i'm not the only parent on the planet that looks at their child and mentally says what the heck is your name. i'm pretty convinced that my children have driven me to a level of insanity that makes me forget their names and i have to actually think about it before i open my mouth. if thats not it them i'm a prime canadate
for medical testing on alzheimer's in the 30's.

2. It still sickens me to read on facebook, people that i know for a fact struggle to pay their bills and feed their kids (esp those with special needs) and keep a roof over their head, buying 300 dollar phones and buying lottery tickets. What good is a damn cell phone if your kids have to sleep in the damn minivan due to the huge foreclosure sign in your front yard. 

3. Since we have been moving we have had a bunch of people in and out of our townhouse...and by our i just mean we rent it. I was nice enough to show people around since my landlord doesnt live close and would be hard for him to show the place...however i wish he would screen some of these people 1st. I just want to say what do you expect from a rental house thats over 15 years old...if you want the damn Taj Mahal either buy out Trump or move to India (please tell me thats where the damn thing is). However dont judge me as a person for this place...i just rented it ok.

4. Wonders if i'm really as anti social as my inlaws make me out to be. I dont mind hanging out and making new friends and stuff like that i just dont want to be part of the PTA and shit like that. I dont want to be a home room parent...truth be told i dont really like most kids..i mean i like mine and i like most of my friends kids ( hey some of my friends have given birth to demons) however there are a few kids that just drive me crazy. must be due to my low tolerance levels and little patience. I'm not your typical parent and i give me kids cookies and cake and let them be kids...like i said i would love to be the ideal parent but i'm to busy raising my kids. 

5. OK enough negative...gives me a headache anyways. I want to personally thank the person that came up with On Demand...OMG this has saved my sanity in so many ways. I hate video stores/red box lines....so now i can just sit in my gym shorts and tank top and watch what i want when i want. I love the free shows they have for the kids...nothing beats 18 free episodes of Blues Clues, Mickey and Imagination Movers...sometimes i can sneek in a nap. 

6. Is anyone else out there worried about bed bugs...seems me have some miniature epidemic out there just crawling in our beds and couches. Who knew it was so costly to get rid of the little creatures. Plus now i'm paranoid to sleep anywhere or go on vacation...has anyone seen a bed bug...they look like mini cockroaches...oh i think i threw up a little in my mouth...i hate bugs...yuck. 

7. My twins discovered chocolate goldfish crackers...i must admit super yummy. With my picky eaters i'll take whatever i can get...its better than cold hot dogs at 8 am let me tell ya. 

8. I'm so very ready for the new shows to start this fall...so tired of repeats and dumb summer shows they put on. I will say that I wish they would let people know when they cancel a show...nothing pisses me off more when i wait for a show only to find out (after a 3 hour internet search) that its been sent to tv show heaven. I liked when they would actually let shows have a series finale. 

9. I wonder if my neighbors think i'm a total alcoholic...we have been packing stuff in boxes from the liquor store since they are sturdy and free...however every time i open my garage all you see is boxes of what looks like wine and liquor. Maybe i should start slurring my words and staggering around...lords knows this neighborhood needs something else to talk about...lol. 

10. Well this wasnt as easy as i thought it would be since everyone says i'm so opinionated. However it was fun and i enjoyed it...i might try to make it a weekly thing. Peace out cub scouts...have a great day.

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